Chapter 3572 "My Brother, The Sperm Donor":>>Ep19
- We had set Wednesday as the day for Katie to take her pregnancy test. We'd started this crazy adventure on Wednesday - three weeks earlier - with Nicole joining us on Thursday - and Tanisha being added on Friday. Everyone was there to find out if the whole purpose for this crazy adventure had been accomplished - or if we were waiting another week to start all over again.
- Katie set a timer, and I pulled Tanisha into the recliner with me while the other three snuggled on the couch. I made out with my favorite pizza delivery person until Katie's phone informed us that it was time. Tanisha squeezed me tight, and I held my breath and waited for my sister's partner to announce the result.
- She studied the plastic wand and her face fell. I had just taken a breath - to apologize - when she squealed and began giggling - handing the thing off to my sister. I watched Julie's face as she read the result. She looked at me and grinned. Tanisha kissed me so hard that she took my breath away. Nicole dove on top of us and - as soon as Tanisha's lips left mine - my girlfriend stole her place. I had to shove her back to breathe before I passed out. Both of them were giggling.